Extended deadline CEER Conference

Dear Representatives of FIPLV Member Associations,
Dear colleagues,
On behalf of the organising committee of the 2nd FIPLV Central-Eastern Europe Regional Congress, which will be held in the beautiful city of Shumen/Bulgaria on 27th-29th September 2024, I’m pleased to inform you that the deadline to submit a proposal in one of the event languages has been extended to 25 July. We kindly ask you to circulate this call among your members and partners.
After the very successful 1st FIPLV East European Regional Congress in Varna/Bulgaria in 2017, BETA – the Bulgarian English Teachers’ Association – is hosting this second conference in collaboration with FIPLV and other member associations in the Region.
Please, see attached the extended call. For more details, please visit the website https://www.beta-iatefl.org/
Best regards from Brazil
Dr Geraldo de Carvalho
Head of the German Language Department – Werther Institut – Juiz de Fora – Brazil
Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes
BETA-FIPLV 2024 Extended FIPLV call